Brt-1422. Wt = 5.81g. Diam = 21.9-22.2mm

Stevens Collection


Wt = 5.74g. Diam = 21.8-22.0mm

Stevens Collection


Wt = 5.70g. Diam = 21.9-22.1mm. Three tiny dots above crescent.

Photo from Bob Johnston, who wrote: St 4.20? Half rupee. See photos of my odd Calcutta? half rupee.  It is 5.70 gr and 21.9-22.1 mm.  It has a triangle of three tiny round dots above the crescent.  These dots seem intentional.  It was sold as Pr 170 and has a tiny elongated dot (line) in the left circle.  This dot is smaller than on my two Dacca half rupees and may be an unintentional raised mark.  It also has the tiny third dot at top that Calcutta issues have but not my Patna and Dacca rupees and half rupees.  The well-done edge milling and engraving implies it is either genuine or a well-made counterfeit.  Because of the top dot I think it is most likely Calcutta and not Dacca but If genuine I do not understand why the three dots are there.  I do not see other random raised dots in the field although the photo appears to show some.


Wt = 5.83g

Photo from Noonan 8th Feb ’23 (Puddester), lot 666


Wt = 5.82g Tiny dot in heh of bādshāh

Photo from Noonan 8th Feb ’23 (Puddester), lot 667