Calcutta Mint – Milled Coinages – Privy marks on Gold and Silver

See discussion for reasons for assigning the various marks to the mints. Also see below for different edge markings (ref: Roger Price).


Mohur, Half Mohur, Rupee & Half Rupee

No dot – Calcutta

Dot in centre circle – Murshīdābād

Dot in right-hand circle – Patna

Dot in left-hand circle – Dacca


Quarter Mohur and Quarter Rupee

Calcutta – dot in centre group

Murshīdābād – no dot

Patna – dot in left group

Dacca – dot in right group


Order: Calcutta, Calcutta, Dacca, Calcutta, Dacca

Dacca definitely seems to have cruder edge markings 3rd and 5th