Sainsbury E.B. (1935). A Calendar of the Court Minutes etc. of the East India Company 1674-1676. Clarendon Press, Oxford, pp. 348-349

Warrant to the East India Company, September 18th 1676

…and another clause enabling the Company within the Island of Bombay and the territories thereto belonging, to coin money to be current within the limits of their charters, to be known by the name of rupees, pice and budgerookes, or such other names as they shall think fit, so that it be not by the name of any coin current in England or any of the King’s dominions except the East Indies…

Sainsbury E.B. (1935). A Calendar of the Court Minutes etc. of the East India Company 1674-1676. Clarendon Press, Oxford, p. 356

Letters Patent granted by His Majesty to the East India Company, October 5th, 1676

…The Company and their Successors are given full and free liberty, power and authority, from time to time and at all times hereafter, to stamp and coin, or cause to be stamped and coined within the Port and Island of Bombay, its precincts and territories, monies of gold, silver, copper, tin or lead, or of any mixed metal compounded or made up of them to be current within the said Port, Island, Fort and Towne, its precincts and territories; as also in all the islands, ports, havens, cities, creeks, towns, and places whatsoever within the East Indies, mentioned in former charters or Letters Patent, with such impression or inscription thereupon, and to be called and known by the name of rupees, pices, and budgrooks, or by such other names as the Company and their Successors shall think fit and appoint, provided such monies by them to be stamped and coined, are not called or known by the names of any coins or monies current in England, or in any other of his Majesty’s dominions, excepting the said East Indies…

Sainsbury E.B. (1938). A Calendar of the Court Minutes etc. of the East India Company 1677-1679. Clarendon Press, Oxford, p. 14

A Court of Committees, February 9th, 1677

…The Surat Committee to confer with ‘Esq. Slingsby’ about stamps for coining rupees, pice, budgrokes, etc., for the Company’s trade at Bombay, according to the power granted by His Majesty’s Charter to the Company, and give direction for the preparation of such stamps with all convenient speed. Ion Kenn to be directed to make a table of all coins, weights and measures used in India, reducing them to the English standard, and present it to the Court.

Sainsbury E.B. (1938). A Calendar of the Court Minutes etc. of the East India Company 1677-1679. Clarendon Press, Oxford, p. 18

A Court of Committees, February 21, 1677

…’Esq. Slingsby’ delivers to the Court a design of a stamp for a rupee to be coined at Bombay, on one side is inscribed ‘the rupee of Bombay’, with two roses underneath, and, in the circle ‘1677, by authority of Charles the second’; and on the other side His Majesty’s arms, and, in the circle ‘King of Great Britain, France and Ireland’. Slingsby states that the King saw and approved of the design last night, but that it is impossible to procure the stamps for the engraving before the departure of this year’s shipping. The Court thank him heartily for his trouble and give directions for the Surat Committee to meet ‘Esq. Slingsby’ and agree with some able person to prepare the necessary stamps for coining rupees and pice, for the Company’s trade at Bombay and have them ready to send by next year’s ships…

Sainsbury E.B. (1938). A Calendar of the Court Minutes etc. of the East India Company 1677-1679. Clarendon Press, Oxford, p. 18

A Court of Committees, May 9th, 1677

The Surat Committee to tell Mr. Slingsby of the method used in the Company’s coinage at Bombay, show him that account, and take his advice as to what regulation may be made for the Company’s advantage…

Sainsbury E.B. (1938). A Calendar of the Court Minutes etc. of the East India Company 1677-1679. Clarendon Press, Oxford, p. 138

A Court of Committees, January 16th, 1678

…The Surat Committee to give directions for forty stamps to be provided for coining rupees at Bombay according to the draft approved by the King…

Sainsbury E.B. (1938). A Calendar of the Court Minutes etc. of the East India Company 1677-1679. Clarendon Press, Oxford, p. 141

A Court of Committees, January 23rd, 1678

…The Surat Committee having desired Lord Berkely to show a pattern of a stamp for rupees to be coined at Bombay to the King for his approbation, and to ascertain whether any inscription should be put at the edge of the said coin. His Lordship this day reports to the Court that His Majesty approves the design for the rupees, but leaves it to the Company to decide whether any or what inscription shall be put on the edge of the coins…

Sainsbury E.B. (1938). A Calendar of the Court Minutes etc. of the East India Company 1677-1679. Clarendon Press, Oxford, p. 142

A Court of Committees, January 24th, 1678

The Surat Committee to give directions for the making of twenty or forty pair of stamps for coining rupees upon the terms already agreed to, these to be ready by the 25th of next month, ‘or what other engines are proper for minting the said rupees’…

Sainsbury E.B. (1938). A Calendar of the Court Minutes etc. of the East India Company 1677-1679. Clarendon Press, Oxford, p. 168

A Court of Committees, March 20th, 1678

…George Bowers to be paid 126l, for engines, stamps, dies and other necessaries for coining rupees at Bombay

Sainsbury E.B. (1938). A Calendar of the Court Minutes etc. of the East India Company 1677-1679. Clarendon Press, Oxford, p. 250

A Court of Committees, February 14th, 1679

…The Surat Committee to consider whether the rupee shall be valued in Surat as it is in the Bay, and report what they think…