Madras Mint – Early Coinages –Silver,
Rupee – Alamgir II (1754 to 1759) – Mint Name: Arcot
Coins with RY 6 are far more
common than other dates of Alamgir’s silver coinage.
This arises from RY 6 being frozen and the fact that these coins were struck at
Madras, Calcutta and Murshidabad and possibly Dacca. Evidence for these coins being struck
at Murshidabad comes from letters between the Supravisor (sic) of the Company’s possessions at Dacca and the Resident at
Murshidabad in 1770 [1]. The Supravisor
at Dacca
requested that dies for the Arcot rupees should be
sent from Murshidabad. This request was refused with
the comment that the Government was anxious to reduce the number of different
coins in circulation, and that Murshidabad only
struck Arcot rupees occasionally for use at Chittagong. After 1776 Madras continued the
issue until 1807.