
Photo from Zeno posted by kennyongyc


Latin cross with base; ST abbreviation for SAINT THOMAS inscribed on left field and OC for COCHIN on right field.


Wt = g. Diam = ~mm. An unlisted Tin-Lead Bazaruco 1521-1557 from Cochin Portuguese India

Photo from Zeno posted by Lingen (from Navab Edathil Kaniarath)


latin cross, S for Sebastiao to left and Co for Cochin to right.


Wt = 2.73g. Diam = ~mm. Portuguese India, Cochin, Tin/lead bazaruco (2.73 g.), ND (temp. D. Sebastiao I, 1557-1578). Unpunlished

Photo from Zeno posted by Lingen (from Raihan Khan)