ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΕΥΕΡΓΕΤΟΥ ΤΕΛΕΦΟΥ, Male anguiped standing facing, holding in each raised hand a flower with trailing root

𐨨𐨱𐨪𐨗𐨯 𐨐𐨫𐨞𐨐𐨿𐨪𐨨𐨯 𐨟𐨅𐨫𐨁𐨥𐨯, Helios standing slightly to the left, holding sceptre, Selene standing to right, wearing crescent headdress

EU-1025. Wt = 2.34g. Diam = ~18mm. BNBact 1A. https://numismatics.org/bigr/id/bigr.telephus.2.1

Photo from Ashmolean Museum No. HCR45419


ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΕΥΕΡΓΕΤΟΥ ΤΕΛΕΦΟΥ, Male anguiped standing facing, holding in each raised hand a flower with trailing root

𐨨𐨱𐨪𐨗𐨯 𐨐𐨫𐨞𐨐𐨿𐨪𐨨𐨯 𐨟𐨅𐨫𐨁𐨥𐨯, Helios standing slightly to the left, holding sceptre, Selene standing to right, wearing crescent headress

Wt = 1.99g. Diam = ~17.4mm. BNBact 1A

Photo from Ashmolean Museum No. HCR45420


Wt = 2.36g. Diam = ~18mm

Photo from Classical Numismatic Group, sale 100, lot 1640


Wt = 2.18g. Diam = ~17mm

Photo from Gorny & Mosch, sale 297, lot 426


Wt = 2.02g. Diam = ~17mm

Photo from Roma Numismatics, sale XXIII, lot 463