ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ ΙΠΠΟΣΤΡΑΤΟΥ, Bust of Hippostratus, diademed and draped right

𐨨𐨱𐨪𐨗𐨯 𐨟𐨿𐨪𐨟𐨪𐨯 𐨱𐨁𐨤𐨂𐨯𐨿𐨟𐨿𐨪𐨟𐨯, City goddess in three-quarter view standing left, wearing polos, outstretched right arm, holding cornucopia in left arm

EU-1076. Wt = 9.52g. Diam = ~28.3mm. BNBact 1A. https://numismatics.org/bigr/id/bigr.hippostratus.1.1

Photo from Ashmolean Museum No. HCR45471


ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ ΙΠΠΟΣΤΡΑΤΟΥ, Bust of Hippostratus, diademed and draped right

𐨨𐨱𐨪𐨗𐨯 𐨟𐨿𐨪𐨟𐨪𐨯 𐨱𐨁𐨤𐨂𐨯𐨿𐨟𐨿𐨪𐨟𐨯, City goddess in three-quarter view standing left, wearing polos, outstretched right arm, holding cornucopia in left arm

Wt = 9.89g. Diam = ~28mm. BNBact 1A

Photo from Ashmolean Museum No. HCR45472


ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ ΙΠΠΟΣΤΡΑΤΟΥ, diademed and draped bust to right

Goddess standing facing, head to left, wearing kalathos, holding cornucopiae and raising hand in benediction; monogram to left, Kharosthi letter to right, Kharosthi script around.

Wt = 9.54g. Diam = ~~29mm

Indo-Greek Kingdom, Hippostratos Soter AR Tetradrachm. Circa 65-55 BC, Bopearachchi 1A; SNG ANS 1614-9; HGC 12, 448. Hazara

Roma Numismatics eSale 94, lot 535


ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ ΙΠΠΟΣΤΡΑΤΟΥ, diademed and draped bust to right

Goddess standing facing, head to left, wearing kalathos, holding cornucopiae and raising hand in benediction; monogram to left, Kharosthi letter to right, Kharosthi script around.

Wt = 9.75g. Diam = ~28mm

Hippostratos Soter AR Tetradrachm. Circa 65-55 BC. Bopearachchi 1A; SNG ANS 1614-9; HGC 12, 448. Hazara

Roma Nunismatics, eSale 93, lot 650