Bust of Antimachus I, diademed, draped and cuirassed right, wearing kausia

ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΘΕΟΥ ΑΝΤΙΜΑΧΟΥ, Poseidon standing facing, trident in right hand, palm with ribbons in left hand

EU-145. Wt = 0.63g. Diam = ~11.5mm. BNBact 4C

Photo from Ashmolean Museum No. HCR45188


Bust of Antimachus I, diademed, draped and cuirassed right, wearing kausia

ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΘΕΟΥ ΑΝΤΙΜΑΧΟΥ, Poseidon standing facing, trident in right hand, palm with ribbons in left hand


Wt = 0.5g. Diam = ~11.9mm. BNBact 4C

Photo from Ashmolean Museum No. HCR45189