ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ ΜΕΝΑΝΔΡΟΥ, Head of Athena right in crested Corinthian helmet

𐨨𐨱𐨪𐨗𐨯 𐨟𐨿𐨪𐨟𐨪𐨯 𐨨𐨅𐨣𐨡𐨿𐨪𐨯, Round shield decorated with aegis, gorgoneion in centre

EU-470. Wt = 10.58g. Diam = ~20.8mm. BNBact 19C. M

Photo from Ashmolean Museum No. HCR45272


ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ ΜΕΝΑΝΔΡΟΥ, Head of Athena right in crested Corinthian helmet

𐨨𐨱𐨪𐨗𐨯 𐨟𐨿𐨪𐨟𐨪𐨯 𐨨𐨅𐨣𐨡𐨿𐨪𐨯, Round shield decorated with aegis, gorgoneion in centre

Wt = 8.7g. Diam = ~20.7mm. BNBact 19C. M?

Photo from Ashmolean Museum No. HCR45273