BAΣIΛEΩΣ / NIKHΦOPOY / ANTIAΛKIΔOY, bust of Zeus right, hurling thunderbolt

Maharaja / Jayaharasa / Amtialkidasa, legend in Karoshti around caps of the Dioscuri each with a palm-branch; monogram beneath cap on right.

EU-649. Wt = 8.91g. Diam = ~20.9mm

Antialcidas. 115-95 B.C. AE square quadruple Indian standard. SNG ANS IX 1112-1118

Photo from Agora Auctions, sale 65, lot 61


Wt = 7.81g

Antialcidas (115-95), AE hémiobole, Mitch., Indo-Greek, 280c; Bopearachchi, série 17, 61; SNG ANS 1131

Photo from Jean Elsen, sale 87, lot 1262


No weight given

Hemióbolo. Mithc1849

Photo from Cayon Numismatica, Jan 2011, lot 1021