ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΝΙΚΗΦΟΡΟΥ ΕΠΑΝΔΡΟΥ, Bust of Epander, diademed and draped right

𐨨𐨱𐨪𐨗𐨯 𐨗𐨩𐨢𐨪𐨯 𐨀𐨅𐨤𐨡𐨿𐨪𐨯, Athena standing left, holding shield horizontally with left arm, throwing thunderbolt with right hand

EU-780. Wt = 1.86g. Diam = ~17.1mm. BNBact 1A

Photo from Ashmolean Museum No. HCR45348


ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΝΙΚΗΦΟΡΟΥ ΕΠΑΝΔΡΟΥ, Bust of Epander, diademed and draped right

𐨨𐨱𐨪𐨗𐨯 𐨗𐨩𐨢𐨪𐨯 𐨀𐨅𐨤𐨡𐨿𐨪𐨯, Athena standing left, holding shield horizontally with left arm, throwing thunderbolt with right hand

Wt = 1.86g. Diam = ~17.1mm. BNBact 1A. This looks like the same coin as above

Photo from Ashmolean Museum No. HCR45349


Wt = 2.34g. Diam = ~11mm

Photo from Gorny & Mosch, sale 297, lot 392