BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΣΩTHPOΣ HPMAIOY Hermaios, diademed, on prancing horse r.

Maharajasa tratarasa Hermayasa in Kharosthi characters Zeus, draped and radiate, enthroned facing slightly l., holding sceptre in r. hand and resting l. on seat of throne; in inner r. field, monogram.

EU-899c. Wt = 1.82g

Hermaeuss, circa 90 –70. Drachm, Pushkalavati circa 90-70. Senior, Hermaios H2aD var. (monogram on obverse). Bopearachchi cf. 8 (monogram unlisted). Mitchiner Type 411a.

Photo from Numismatica Ars Classica, sale 124, lot 251