Patna (‘Azīmābād, Rasūlpūr ‘urf Patna) Mint

Coins were issued from the Rasūlpūr ‘urf Patna Mint by:


Dehlī Sulṭāns

Sher Shāh




Coins were issued from the Patna (‘Azimābād) mint by:













Shāh Jahān I




Shāh Shujā




Aurangzeb (Patna)




Aurangzeb (Azīmābād)




Shāh ‘Ālam I




Azim ush shan








Rafi al Darjāt




Shāh Jahān II




Muḥammad Shāh





Durrānīs et al



Nādir Shāh





Moghul Contemporaries

Bengal Nawābs INO:


Aḥmad Shāh




Ālamgīr II




Shāh Jahān III




Shāh ‘Ālam II










See Nelson Wright Extracts from IOR, Extracts from Pridmore



On 12th April 1770 Patna and Dacca were ordered to send coins to Calcutta, monthly, for assay [1] and on 7th May 1770 an assay report was presented to Government [2]

In 1769, the mints at Patna and Dacca were ordered to strike coins with the mint name Murshidabad [3].

In 1771 the matter of issuing 12 sun coins was considered and a proclamation issued [4]. This caused some problems with payment of the troops [5] [6] [7] [8]

Problems with striking coins, with the mint name Murshidabad, in Patna, continued until at least 1772  [9] [10].

Patna provided Calcutta with the duties charged for coinage in 1772 [11] and later that year Patna gold coins were found to be below standard [12]

Gold continued to be struck at Patna at least as late as 1773 [13]

Patna and Dacca mints were abolished in 1773 [14]

In 1775 consideration was given to reopening the mints at Patna and Dacca [15] [16].

A mint for copper coins was opened at Patna (and Pulta [Fulta]) for coining copper coins in 1780 [17]


One reference that I found about the Patna mint, of course of a later date, that i can share with you right away is that in 1800, the old Mint House at Patna was sold to one Ahmad Hussain Khan ('Ahmud Hossain Khawn') for Rs. 2030/-. (From Sanjay Garg)

[1] Bengal Consultations. IOR P/1/46, 12th April 1770, p301


[2] Bengal Consultations. IOR P/1/47, 8th May 1770, p 10

Minute. 8th May 1770, p8

Assay report from Herbert Harris (Assay Master at Calcutta) to Government, dated 7th May 1770

[3] Fort William-India House Correspondence (1960) Vol VI, 1770-1772 Ed Bisheshwar Prasad, p181, para 50

Public Letter dated 25th January 1770 from Calcutta to London

[4] Bengal Consultations. IOR P/1/49, 6th August 1771, 298ff

Resolution 6th August 1771

[5] Bengal Consultations. IOR P/1/49, 16th September 1771, p443

Letter from the Patna Council to Calcutta, dated 7th September 1771

Letter from Calcutta to Patna

[6] Bengal Consultations. IOR P/1/49, 18th October 1771, p547

Letter from Patna to Calcutta dated 8th October 1771

Agreed the following directions be sent in reply

[7] Bengal Consultations. IOR P/1/49, 29th October 1771, p308

Letter from Herbert Harris (Calcutta Mint Master) to Government dated 23rd October 1771

Agreed copies of them be sent to the Councils of Revenue at Moorshedabad & Patna  with the following letters

[8] Fort William-India House Correspondence (1960) Vol VI, 1770-1772 Ed Bisheshwar Prasad, p318, para 13

Public Letter dated 15th November 1771 from Calcutta to London

[9] Bengal Consultations. IOR P/1/51, 26th February 1772, p403

Letter to Patna from Calcutta 26th February 1772

[10] Bengal Consultations. IOR P/1/51, 31st March p279

Letter from Patna to Calcutta dated 19th March 1772

[11] Bengal Consultations. IOR P/2/1 4th May 1772, p195 (3)

Letter from Patna to Calcutta dated 23rd April 1772

[12] Bengal Consultations. IOR P/2/1 21st August 1772 p581 (206)

Letter from the Calcutta Mint Master (Herbert Harris) to Government dated 10th August 1772

Letter from Samuel Touchet (Assay Master) to Herbert Harris (Mint Master), dated 3rd August 1772

Letter to George Vansittart (Chief at Patna) on 21st August 1772

Minute entered by Mr Barwell

[13] Fort William-India House Correspondence (1960) Vol VII, 1773-1776 Ed R.P. Patwardhan, p209, para 90

Letter dated 1st March 1773

[14] Fort William-India House Correspondence (1981) Vol VIII, 1777-1781 Ed Hira Lal Gupta, p62

[15] Bengal Consultations. IOL P/2/11, 14th August 1775 p42

Letter from H. Cottrell (member of the Committee of Revenue) to Government dated 30th May 1775

Letter from J Holmes (member of the Committee of Revenue) to Government, dated 30th May 1775

[16] Fort William-India House Correspondence (1960) Vol VII, 1773-1776 Ed R.P. Patwardhan, p357, para 19

Letter dated 3rd August 1775.

[17] Fort William-India House Correspondence (1981) Vol VIII, 1777-1781 Ed Hira Lal Gupta, p536, para 25

Letter to Court 30th April 1781