Map   Map of Maratha Mints

Burhānpūr Mint

Coins were issued from the Burhānpūr mint by:


Sulṭāns of Gujarāt

Muẕaffar II

Silver – G240, G241












Shāh Jahān






A’ẕam Shāh



Shāh ‘Ālam I






Farrukh Siyar



Rafi al Darjāt



Shāh Jahān II



Muḥammad Shāh (see also Ḥyderābād)



Aḥmad Shāh (see Ḥyderābād)



Ālamgīr II (see Ḥyderābād)



Shāh ‘Ālam II (see Marathas & Gwāliār)





Moghul Contemporaries

Ḥyderābād State






Gwāliār, INO Shāh ‘Ālam II





At the start of the reign of Akbar, Burhānpūr was the principle town of Khāndesh. In 1600 (AH1009, Ilahī 46) Khāndesh, and hence Burhānpūr, was incorporated into the Moghul Empire.


Chart of rupees issued by Shāh Jahān early in his reign (from Alan S DeShazo posted on SACG)

These were the earliest issues of Shah Jahan of Burhanpur mint. They were struck with Jahan on the top. As the coin flans were smaller as the dies, the emperor's name fell often off the flan. Within a couple of months the design was altered, so that the emperor's name became on the second line, with Ghazi on the top. The month Bahman is the earliest issue known. This type continued for two more months, viz.: Isfandarmuz and Farwardin. During the month of Farwardin the legend was altered with the name Shah Jahan on the second line and the mint name replaced Shahib ad-Din at the bottom. The mint name was now shifted to the position below the Kalima. On the following issue the Ilahi month was omitted and coins dated 1037 Hijri/Ahd, 1038 Hijri/Ahd and 1038 Hijri/2. After that again the Ilahi dating was introduced. The early years of Shah Jahan saw quite a lot of changes in design of the coins as well the use of the Ilahi and AH-dating.



See Maheshwari & Wiggins


Gwalior State