Bombay 161 Shah Alam II Surat Rupee RY 53 Obv

Bombay 162 Shah Alam II Surat Rupee RY 53 Rev

Brt-1150g8. Wt = 11.58g. Diam = 20.9-21.5mm

Photo from Bob Johnston


Bombay 163 Shah Alam II Surat Rupee RY 5x Obv

Bombay 164 Shah Alam II Surat Rupee RY 5x Rev

Possible RY 54, AH 1225.

Photo from Hemanth Chopra (via Bob Johnston who wrote: It does not have a clear 4 but the curved number implies it may be one. The AH date is not clear also.)



Photo from Anand Shroff


Wt = 5.72g

Photo from Noonan 8th Feb ’23 (Puddester), lot 504