Listed below are the issues of Jahangir as Salim Shah struck at Ahmadabad. The regnal year is frequently off flan, but the month is usually present. With the possible exception of the month of Farwardin, if you can read the month, you will automatically know the regnal year.

Jim, it was very perceptive of you to note that Salim (Jahangir) may have continued his fathers years until the beginning of year 51 before switching to his regnal ones. Technically, those years should be considered years of the Ilahi era rather than regnal years, but can be interpreted as being the same.

Year Month

50 Aban SA 31 1208

50 Azar SA 41 1165, Ash

50 Dai ANS 1974.26.804

50 Bahman Ash, SA 41 1164

50 Isfandarmuz Ash, UM I 322


51 Farwardin SA 11 902 (yet to be proven)


2 Farwardin LMCS 279

2 Ardibihisht SA 33 1294

2 Khurdad Ash

2 Tir SA 56 1257

2 Amardad LMC page 19


SA Stephen Album fixed price list

ANS American Numismatic Society

Ash Ashmolean Museum (not catalogued)

UM I Ulrike Mueller fixed price list

LMC Lucknow Museum Catalogue