Post-Mauryan Polities – Kausambi


Cat No







Lanky bull standing to left flanked by indradhavaja and four-nandipada symbol.

Large tree in railing in center; to left, nandipada above chakra-wheel; to right, cross above swastika; below, six-arched hill.

Leu Numismatik, sale 19, lot 1960



Post-Mauryan (Ganges Valley). Kausambi. Anonymous Lanky Bull types, circa 160-120 BC. AE

Pieper 976. MACW 4588


Lanky bull advancing to left; above, four-orbed Ujjain symbol

KOSABIYA (in Brahmi) Chakra (sacred wheel) in center.

Leu Numismatik, sale 16, lot 1928



Post-Mauryan (Ganges Valley). Kausambi. Anonymous Lanky Bull types, circa 160-120 BC. AE

Pieper 978


Humped bull standing to right; before, indradhvaja

BAHASATIMITASA (in Brahmi) Tree in railing with differing symbols around.

Leu Numismatik, sale 19, lot 1961



Post-Mauryan (Ganges Valley). Kausambi. Brihaspatimitra II, circa 1st century BC – 2nd century AD. AE

Pieper 993


Bull standing right; above, dharma chakra (sacred wheel)

PUSHVA SRI (in Brahmi); above, three-arched hill and tree in railing.

Leu Numismatik, sale 19, lot 1962



Post-Mauryan (Ganges Valley). Kausambi, Magha Dynasty. Pushva Sri, circa 3rd century AD. AE

Apparently unpublished


The goddess Lakshmi standing facing, her head resembling a lotus flower; to left and right, elephant standing on short columns, pouring water on Lakshmi's head out of their trunks.

Tree in railing

Leu Numismatik, sale 18, lot 1755



Post-Mauryan (Ganges Valley). Kausambi. Circa 3rd century BC. AE

Apparently unpublished


Humped bull advancing right

Tree in railing; to right, river

Leu Numismatik, sale 18, lot 1758



Post-Mauryan (Ganges Valley). Kausambi. Agnimitra, circa 100 BC-130 AD. AE

Pieper -, cf. 998 (for variety with bull to left)


elephant right, swastika below, four-crescent symbol and Indradhvaja right

railed tree, hill, taurine and hollow gross

Steve Album, sale 41, lot 685


KAUSAMBI: Anonymous, 2nd century BC, AE square unit (5.70g), Pieper-194 (this piece)