Muṣṭafābād/Junāgadh (Junāgarh) Mint

Coins were issued from the Muṣṭafābād/Junāgadh mint by:




Sulṭāns of Gujarāt

Maḥmūd I






G85 to G98A




G166, G167, G168, G169, G170, G170A, G176


Akbar’s Occupations








Akbar - See Akbar’s Occupation above



Shāh Jahān I








A’ẕam Shāh




Shāh ‘Ālam I












Rafi al-Darjāt




Shāh Jahān II




Muḥammad Shāh







Moghul Contemporaries

Junāgadh State




History & Coinage

See Nelson Wright also See Nelson Wright


From Amit Mehta:

The name of Junagadh (Juna = Old & Gadh = Fort - so old fort) was changed by Muhammad Begadha (conquerer of 2 forts) of the Gujarat Sultans to the Islamic name of Mustafabad. However, when the original name returned is a mystery. However, as I have been told, the orders were given by Shah Jahan to start a mint at Junagadh to convert the Mahmudis to Rupees. I have not got any replies to the queries as to when this order was given.


It appears that the mint was first started at the port and Temple town of Pattandeo (Somnath Patan today) and then moved to Junagadh. These are my personal views gathered from the coinage of both mints. It had support since the first coins of Pattandeo are AH 1047 and the recent find of coins of Pattandeo dated AH 1049. The coins of Junagadh start in AH 1049 (till I encountered the AH 1047 coin last month) and my coin of Junagadh dated AH 1049 had a die identical strike with the AH 1049 coin of Pattandeo. This coin and the possibility of the coin dated AH 1045 as listed in KM (if ever found), would mean that the mint was first set up in Junagadh and may be the same mint minted coins of Pattandeo or the dies were engraved by the same master engraver. It would not make any sense to have two Mughal mints within a short time of each other.